Sharing Experiences

About Us...

“Each course is for me an opportunity to enjoy learning and sharing”


Ricardo Olabegoya Estrela

Motivator, Trainer and Coach

Graduate in CC. del Mar, International Certified Coach, Certified Firewalking Instructor by FIRE-USA, Trainer of Trainers, DISC Behavioral Analyst by The International DISC Institute and Lead Laughter Yoga Trainer.
He also has a Master in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (University of Valencia).

His career as a trainer began in 1998 and has developed in Spain, Portugal and Asia.
Participant in congresses and conferences in the field of training and management, he has coordinated various training projects for public administration and private companies and is a regular collaborator of various consulting firms and training companies.

His professional experience also includes other areas such as consulting, auditing and the world of emergencies (7 years as a firefighter, international aid worker and founder of Emergency Training Drills).
Currently as director of MotivarT he is focused on Skills Training, organizational motivation, Coaching and Outdoor training.

Why MotivarT...

MotivarT is the result of the union of our training experience and what we learned during years of search and personal growth. At a time when society needs to reinvent itself, MotivarT proposes Coaching and experiential training as tools to grow as companies and achieve our best version as people.

We accompany you
Our Mission and Values
Our mission is to help you contribute to society everything it needs in these moments of change. We want you to experience useful learning firsthand and we offer to accompany you in your personal and professional growth process so that you achieve maximum development and that of your organization.
We accompany you
We emphasize practice
How do we do it?
We use an active, participatory and dynamic methodology combining theory and practice. We give special emphasis to the practical part so that the learning of skills is maximum. We promote group work and accompany the client before, during and after the sessions to help them bring everything discovered and learned into reality.
We emphasize practice
We Share Values
Our values
• Commitment • Honesty • Enthusiasm • Dynamism • Authenticity • Optimism • Empathy • Creativity
We Share Values
We Commit to You
Our Commitment
Provide quality, updated, personalized service that guarantees customer satisfaction
We Commit to You

Reach your Best Version

What we offer...


What moves us inside is helping people and organizations to grow, develop and achieve their objectives.


With our Coaching sessions we can help you grow and achieve new personal and professional goals.


These empowerment exercises are aimed at individuals and groups of companies that want to improve themselves and achieve their goals.

Can we help you?